As an employee, being mindful of others you work around is important not only for the productivity of the company but also for each employee's individual health. Drug abuse problems in the workplace is all too common. However, not many people are sure what the true signs are that this problem exists. Here are five signs that point to it:
Unexcused Absences: Excessive unexcused absences, i.e. absences that were either not called in or called in without a real explanation, are a sign of a possible drug abuse problem.
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When you need to provide your medical practice with nothing but the best equipment, it is very crucial to learn some ways you can spend your money wisely. The caliber of medical equipment that you get your hands on will be important when it comes to providing for your patients. If you are looking to get the most out of this possibility, read below and use these tips to get the medical equipment that you need for your business.
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As a new mom, one of the tasks you have to deal with is finding a reliable pediatrician to care for your child's health as time goes on. Here are a few features to look for that should be offered by the pediatrician you choose to work with:
Short Wait Times for Appointments
One important feature your child's pediatrician should offer is short waiting times on appointment day. There is no reason that you should have to wait around for a half an hour or longer when you show up on time for your child's appointment, especially if the appointment was scheduled days ahead of time.
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If you have conditions that affect your hands or wrists, such as arthritis, tendinitis, or carpal tunnel, and work at the computer, you likely find each day is a struggle. Investing in strategies to take the strain off your hands and wrists can help you continue working longer.
Invest In Dictation Software
Many people with hand or wrist problems avoid dictation software because it often feels more laborious to train the software to recognize your voice than it would be to type as normal.
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Traveling overseas provides unique health challenges. You will be farther away from your family doctor. You will also have to worry about obtaining insurance and about the unique health risks that can exist in other countries.
See Your Family Doctor
Make sure to see your family doctor before you go on vacation. Your doctor will be able to determine whether it is safe for you to travel to another country. Make sure to provide information on where you will be traveling to so your doctor will be informed of the unique risks of that destination.
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