Carpal Tunnel: Definition, Treatment, And Prevention
Carpal tunnel syndrome can be a very painful ailment. Many people think that patients of carpal tunnel are people that are at computers a lot of the time, but the cause of this is actually unknown. Learn more about carpal tunnel syndrome, how to prevent it in the future, and how to treat it if you have it already.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal tunnel is caused when the main nerve in your hand that receives signals from your fingers (called the median nerve) becomes pinched or inflamed. This is typically caused by repetitive movements, especially uninterrupted typing. There are also hereditary issues that may increase your risk of carpal tunnel syndrome, including obesity, arthritis, pregnancy, and diabetes.
Early symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include tingling and numbness in the hands on fingers, sometimes so much that it can wake people up from their sleep. If it progresses, people may feel a burning feeling or weakness in their hands. This weakness may lead to decreased grip strength, making you more prone to drop things. Another symptom is a sharp pain from your wrist or forearm.
How Do I Treat Carpal Tunnel?
If you are able to catch carpal tunnel early, a few medications along with certain therapies may be enough to cure it. Treatment will vary from person to person, and how far along carpal tunnel has progressed. Other minor treatment may include wrist exercises and possibly even yoga. A wrist splint is a likely possibility if you are diagnosed with carpal tunnel.
However, surgery may be required if you have experienced the more intense symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. After surgery, it is encouraged that the patient undergo physical therapy because the surgery cuts an important ligament in the wrist. The wrist's grip strength will need to be built up again because this ligament is not in it's normal position. However, it is rare that carpal tunnel appears again after surgery is performed.
How Do I Prevent Carpal Tunnel?
Carp tunnel can be prevented in a variety of ways, however, the easiest way to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome would be to take breaks from repeated motions. Also, if you know about your family medical history, this may help you prevent carpal tunnel syndrome by taking special precautions. For example, if you have arthritis, taking medication for it may also reduce future inflammation of the wrist ligaments, and of course it will reduce your arthritis pain. See a doctor from places like Kleiser Therapy for more information.