What Are Good Treatment Options For Menopausal Symptoms?
Menopause is a perfectly normal stage of life for women, but it can come with some pretty unpleasant side effects. In addition to feeling tired all the time and having terrible mood swings, you may wake up in the middle of the night with hot flashes and even lose your sex drive. The good news is that you can make the menopause process more bearable. Here are some of the different treatment options available for menopausal symptoms:
Lifestyle Changes
Making several lifestyle changes and taking good care of your body can go a long way in improving your menopausal symptoms. For example, if you frequently feel exhausted, start exercising more. Regular physical activity will boost your energy levels, so you will be able to do all the things you enjoy. If you do not enjoy working out at the gym, do workouts you find fun such as riding your bike, practicing yoga or dancing.
If you have a problem with hot flashes, it is a good idea to figure out what your triggers are and do your best to avoid them. Common triggers for hot flashes include spicy foods, hot weather and alcohol. You should also sleep with a light blanket at night and always have a cold glass of water next to your bed.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
When you go through menopause, your levels of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone decrease, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as vaginal dryness, fatigue and hot flashes. Hormone replacement therapy can replace these female hormones and relieve a lot of symptoms. This therapy can also help prevent bone loss. However, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, hormone replacement therapy may increase your risk of developing breast cancer, stroke and heart disease, so you should proceed with caution. If your doctor thinks this therapy is right for you, ask for the lowest dose and try not to take it for more than six months.
Medications to Prevent Osteoporosis
Menopause can lead to bone loss, increasing your risk of osteoporosis. If you have a history of osteoporosis in your family, you may want to talk to your doctor about taking medication to prevent this disease.
As you can see, there are many different ways you can treat menopausal symptoms. Whether you decide to start exercising more or try medication, it is very possible to improve your systems and live a normal life.
For more information, talk to a local clinic, such as Central Iowa OB/Gyn Specialists, PLC.