5 Signs You Need To See A Neurology Specialist

Are you having a neurology problem that is affecting your life? If your primary care physician does not have any answers, a neurology specialist might be able to help you. People visit neurology specialists for many reasons. Neurology is a branch of medicine that deals with conditions involving the nervous system and brain, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, brain tumors, stroke symptoms, epilepsy, and more.

When Should You See A Neurology Specialist?

If you have any one of the following signs or symptoms, then scheduling an appointment with a brain specialist would be advised.

1. Memory Loss

If you are experiencing significant memory loss, it could be nothing to worry about, but then again, depending on the severity of the changes, it might indicate brain atrophy. When patients present with early signs of dementia, they often have a cerebrovascular disease or even a neurologic tumor.

2. Difficulty Walking

A neurology specialist can help rule out many of the neurologic conditions that affect walking, which might also impact your quality of life. Parkinson's Disease, for example, commonly leads to gait disturbances and falls. Thus, it is paramount to seek medical advice if you are experiencing any stability issues when walking.

3. Speech Disturbances

If you are having difficulties speaking or have noticed changes in your voice, it is advisable to seek professional advice from a brain specialist. A neurologist will assess potential causes of the problem and formulate a working diagnosis, which might include a brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, or stroke, among other neurologic conditions. 

4. Seizures

Seizures are one of the neurology specialties that neurologists are trained to manage. If you are experiencing seizures, it is advised to immediately contact a neurology specialist because timely treatment can make all the difference. You require an immediate assessment by a neurology specialist who will provide appropriate treatment to avert further complications or damage to your neurologic system.

5. Weakness or Numbness in One Part of The Body

If you are experiencing weakness or numbness in one part of your body, it might indicate an underlying neurologic condition, which might be severe depending on what triggered it. For example, a neurologist will tell the difference between neurologic problems like multiple sclerosis and nerve compression syndromes.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or some other neurologic problem that is not listed here, it is advised to contact a neurologist who will be able to assess your condition, rule out potential causes, and present you with an appropriate treatment plan. For more information about neurology, contact a clinic such as North Texas Neuroscience Center PA.
