Acupuncture has been used for centuries. It is one of the oldest types of healing that has been used, and it yields great results. Many people wonder if acupuncture would work for them. Here are a couple things that acupuncture can treat.
1. Migraines and Headaches
One of the most common reasons that people go to an acupuncturist is to get treatment for their headaches. Studies have shown that people who have chronic headaches and recurring migraines benefit from seeing an acupuncturist.
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If you are an independent-minded individual with limited mobility due to a chronic health condition, recent surgery or an injury who is having a difficult time navigating through the home, you may be interested in installing a stairlift. Stairlifts are helpful home mobility aids that assist individuals in traveling up and down indoor staircases and outdoor steps with the quick push of a button.
Stair lifts are an ideal option for those who become easily winded due to chronic breathing difficulties or heart conditions, as well as those who experience pain when excess pressure is put upon the joints.
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Acne can affect young and old women alike, so figuring out how to live confidently with acne is the key. While there are a variety of different medications that you can use to help treat your acne, there are also other things that you can do to help yourself feel more confident. This article will discuss certain things that you can do to help yourself feel more confident when you are living with your acne.
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If your feet are commonly sore at the end of a long day, you're probably not doing all that you can to keep them healthy and strong, or to protect them from the rigors of supporting your weight. During this upcoming new year, make a resolution to treat your feet better. Here's a look at several smaller resolutions that will help you achieve that goal.
Resolution #1: Stretch your feet every day.
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As women go through menopause, they experience symptoms that may be less than desirable: hot flashes, vaginal dryness and mood swings top the list. To ward off these problems, some women choose hormone replacement therapy, or HRT. HRT helps bump up these women's decreasing levels of estrogen and progesterone to keep their hormone levels consistent.
The problem? Hormone replacement therapy may increase women's chances of getting certain types of cancer, including breast and ovarian cancer.
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