How To Help Older Parents Navigate The Holiday Season

This holiday season is likely to bring with it a lot of activity for your family. Parties, decorating, family dinners, excursions . . . these are all things that your older relatives will probably look forward to but may need help with. To help your older parents navigate the holiday season, follow the tips below. 1. Balance tradition with practicality. Just because your family has always done things a certain way doesn't mean that you have to follow all of those traditions this year. Read More 

Are You A Runner? 3 Common Injuries To Avoid

Running as a hobby or sport is a great way to stay in shape and burn off any unwanted anxiety or stress. Whether you run on a treadmill or on the open road, you are susceptible to injury. If running is an important outlet for you, having an injury impede you ability to exercise each day can be quite discouraging. Below are 3 common injuries you can avoid by familiarizing yourself with their causes and symptoms. Read More 

How To Sneak More Beneficial Turmeric Onto The Dining Table: Your Family Will Hardly Notice

Turmeric has proven itself as a dietary hero, helping with conditions ranging from heartburn to joint inflammation. However, introducing any healthy food to your family might meet with immediate revolt! Here are a few ways to sneak this wonder spice into your cooking that won't cause much of a stir. Sprinkle It On Popcorn If chips are still a favorite snack at your house, it's time for a change. Try replacing them with popcorn, which is actually a whole grain! Read More 

3 Things You May Not Know About Cremation

When you are planning your own final arrangements, you might consider cremation. However, if you're like many people, you might not know much about cremation or what can be done with cremated remains. Here are three things you might not know about cremation. The Body is Not Burned Most people think that the body is placed into a bed of flames during cremation, much in the same way that some ancient death rituals consisted of setting fire to a funeral pyre. Read More 

3 Unique Types Of Mental Health Therapy

When most people think about mental health counseling, they conjure images of people lying on sofas and talking through their problems. While this model of therapy can be effective for some, the mental health counseling field has diversified in recent years in an effort to make therapy more effective. If the thought of being confined in an office is unappealing, you may want to consider turning to one of these three alternative types of counseling in the future. Read More