Getting To The Heart Of Your Chest Pain

The last time you exercised, your chest hurt enough to make you see your doctor for a checkup of your heart. There are a number of reasons why your heart might complain by creating your chest pain. Here are some of the common forms of heart disease and how your cardiology doctor will find the problem. The Healthy Heart Your heart is a large muscle that pumps blood through your body. Read More 

The Multidisciplinary Approach To Dyslexia: Brain, Ears, And Eyes

Since it was first identified in 1881, many theories have been put forth about the causes of dyslexia, from the brain struggling to choose a dominant hemisphere to visual memory that would not properly hold information about letters and words. Today, with advances in neuroscience and brain imaging, scientific understanding of dyslexia has progressed greatly. And part of what has been learned about dyslexia is that it is a complicated disorder, affecting different people in different ways; it may involve vision, memory, language processing, and even auditory processing and hearing. Read More 

What Are Good Treatment Options For Menopausal Symptoms?

Menopause is a perfectly normal stage of life for women, but it can come with some pretty unpleasant side effects. In addition to feeling tired all the time and having terrible mood swings, you may wake up in the middle of the night with hot flashes and even lose your sex drive. The good news is that you can make the menopause process more bearable. Here are some of the different treatment options available for menopausal symptoms: Read More 

What You Need To Know About Addiction Recovery

Dealing with an addiction is very serious. Addictions can change the whole way you think about yourself and life. All of a sudden relationships, things you once loved, and people have no satisfaction for you; all you crave is your drug of choice. This is why it is so important that you get professional help for your addiction. Although, it will be a hard recovery, recovery is possible. Here are some things you need to know about addiction recovery. Read More 

3 Tips For Caregivers Of A Person With Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, and over time, a senior citizen who has Alzheimer's can display marked memory loss as well as a dramatic change in behavior. Serving as the caregiver of a family member or loved one with Alzheimer's can be very challenging, no matter how much you love that person. If you plan to have a family member with Alzheimer's move into your home so you can care for him or her, use the following tips: Read More