Hearing loss and loud musical instruments often go hand in hand, especially if you've been a musician for a long time. Electric guitar players produce such high volumes with their instruments and amplifiers that hearing issues can definitely arise. Regardless of your age, if you're noticing hearing difficulties that you suspect are linked with your instrument, you'll want to take a break and consult a hearing specialist, like those at Waters ENT Sinus & Allergy.
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Your heart is one of the most important and vital organs in your body, and what you eat and what you do with your life can directly impact the overall health of your heart. To keep your heart healthy, you need to take active steps to protect your heart throughout your life, including working with a cardiologist. Here are a few tricks for protecting and taking care of your heart.
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Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that can increase your confidence and improve the appearance of your body by smoothing out and contouring trouble spots like your stomach and hips. Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, but rather a way to improve the appearance of parts of your body that have not responded adequately to diet and exercise, giving you a more toned look. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you consider liposuction:
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A multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis is a life changing event. This disease affects your spinal cord, your optic nerves in the eyes and causes problems with your brain. It causes difficulty with your balance, vision, muscle control and other bodily functions. However, the way this disease affects you is on a case by case basis. Everyone who is diagnosed with MS may not have the same experience. Read on to find out how adult stem cell therapy may slow down the progression of multiple sclerosis.
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Losing weight can be challenging. If you're having a hard time getting rid of excess weight, you may want to strongly consider having surgery. This can help you get the results you want and could be the most efficient way to reach your ideal weight. Knowing some of the health benefits of reducing the number on the scales may be advantageous to you:
Benefit #1: Lower blood pressure
It's important to have the right blood pressure reading.
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