Secrets To Reducing Symptoms Of Gout Through Dietary Choices

Since the times of the ancient Greeks, people have known that lifestyle choices like diet can affect gout. While some foods can exacerbate gout and symptoms of gout, others can reduce symptoms. The following gout-healthy foods can reduce or control your gout symptoms. Eat the Right Purines Purines are found in nearly all foods and in all the cells of the body. When food is broken down, purines form uric acid. Read More 

How To Prevent The Irritating And Unsightly Folliculitis

Folliculitis is a condition in which the walls of your hair follicles become inflamed and form pustules. The condition can be caused by a number of things including friction, infection, excessive perspiration, and even other skin conditions and irritants. If you have a weak immune system, are obese or have a skin injury, then you should take measures to prevent folliculitis. This is because those are some of the risk factors for the condition. Read More 

Bone, Tendon, Nerve: The Most Likely Causes For Pain At The Top Of Your Foot

If you're experiencing pain, tenderness or unusual sensations on the top of your foot, the cause is probably a bone, tendon or nerve issue. Each part of your foot's anatomy shows its displeasure in its own way, and your podiatrist will treat each part differently depending on the cause or causes of your foot pain. This article will help you to identify whether the bone, tendon or nerve is the problem. Read More 

Three Solutions To Replace Your Missing Teeth

People have teeth missing for multiple reasons. Some people took poor care of their teeth, which resulted in tooth loss. Other people had serious injuries that knocked out some or all of their teeth. Despite the reason for tooth loss, everyone can agree that it's uncomfortable, painful, and unsightly. Fortunately, there are things you can do to correct the problem. Read on to find out three solutions to replace missing teeth. Read More 

Four Things To Know About Discussing Vaccination Schedules With Your Children’s Doctor

The topic of childhood vaccinations can be difficult to discuss with your doctor, no matter what side of the fence you are on. If your child is approaching school age, when vaccination records are requested, you may feel the need to discuss the schedule or specific vaccinations. If you are feeling apprehensive or unsure about how to bring the topic up, consider these four things to know before you begin the discussion. Read More