The Benefits Of PRP Treatments For Hair Loss

Hair loss is not something anyone wishes to experience. However, many women and men find that they start losing their hair at some point. There are myriad treatments out there, but one of the most effective treatments for hair loss is PRP treatment. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments have gained popularity because it is a non-invasive treatment.  A sample of your blood will be drawn and used for the hair restoration process. Read More 

4 Signs Someone May Benefit From Mental Health Transitional Living

Mental health transitional living can help a person bridge the process of returning to everyday life. You might wonder if mental transitional living housing is necessary and whether you or someone you care about could benefit from it. There are at least four signs someone could handle the return to everyday living better with some transitional support.  Prolonged Residential Living Some mental health concerns can take months or even years just to diagnose. Read More 

Can You Use Medial Marijuana For Chronic Nausea?

If you suffer from chronic nausea due to an illness or due to treatment like chemotherapy, you may be looking for ways to reduce this symptom. Some patients have been able to reduce chronic nausea with the use of medical marijuana. You'll want to discuss these types of products with your doctor first before trying them out. Read on to learn more about medical marijuana and its use for nausea. Read More 

Three Things To Expect When You Enroll In A Drug Rehabilitation Program

Are you struggling with substance addiction? Has it impacted your life and the people around you negatively? Then you should consider seeking help. Sometimes it may seem like you may never ween off the illicit drugs because of the challenges involved. However, do not worry much; addiction is treatable; you only need to take the first step at acknowledging you need help. Thus, joining a rehabilitation center and enrolling in a substance addiction treatment program may help you get the support you need. Read More 

What Happens If You Don’t Treat A Urinary Tract Infection?

A urinary tract infection, often called a UTI, is a common infection that can occur in any part of the urinary system, including the bladder and kidneys. UTIs are most often caused by bacteria that enter the urethra and travel up to the bladder. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to more serious complications. In this blog post, you will learn more about the dangers of not treating a UTI and the complications you may experience. Read More