The Advantages Of Hiring A Professional EO Sterilization Service

You need to keep your medical equipment as sterile as possible for the safety and health of your patients. However, you might not have time to properly sterilize equipment and tools on your own. You also may not have the money in your clinic's budget to hire people solely for this job. Instead of freeing up manpower or money, you can contract with a company that can sterilize the medical gear for you. Read More 

Why Psychiatry May Be Your Best Mental Health Solution

Everyone struggles with mental health challenges to some degree, but you may want to talk to a mental health specialist if negative thoughts and emotions seem to be overwhelming your life. Psychiatry is a branch of mental health care that has long been used to help many people overcome or at least manage their mental and emotional challenges better, and a psychiatrist can work closely with you to address your specific concerns. Read More 

How To Tell If You Have Low-T And Treatments Your Low-Testosterone Doctor Might Suggest

If you're having problems with fatigue, depression, and erectile dysfunction, consider asking your doctor if low testosterone could be to blame. The symptoms of low testosterone can also be symptoms of other problems, so it's important to get an accurate diagnosis and then seek the proper treatment. Here are some things you may want to know about low testosterone: Low Testosterone Has Several Causes Some men are born with conditions that cause low testosterone levels. Read More 

The Advantages Of Contracting With A Medical Transcription Company

The quality of care your clinic offers to patients can rely heavily on the manner in which you keep your patient records. The doctors, nurses and other providers that work there need to be able to refer to these records and get accurate and timely information from them. However, your clinic may not have the budget to hire an entire record keeping staff. You and others that work there also may not have the time to update patient records at the end of a busy day. Read More 

The Stress Echo: What To Expect

A comprehensive cardiac workup may include stress echocardiography testing. Also known as a "stress echo," this diagnostic procedure is actually the combination of a cardiac stress test and an echocardiogram. The stress echo is considered a very safe test and there is no preparation needed prior to the procedure. If, however, you are taking medications such as beta-blockers to help control a cardiac arrhythmia or to manage your blood pressure, your cardiologist may ask you to hold your morning dose because these medications may affect your test results. Read More