What To Do If Your Root Canal Fails

A root canal is a dental procedure that helps treat infected tissue of the tooth's roots. This is a common infection that requires a hole to be drilled through the tooth and into the canal, so that the dentist can remove the infected tissue and pulp. After the procedure is complete, a temporary filling material is used and a crown is made about two weeks later. While it has a very high success rate, there are some cases where the procedure fails the first time. Read More 

Four Things Physician Owned Hospitals Offer Patients That Others Cannot

Physician owned hospitals offer a lot more than just common medical care to their patient; they offer their patients care in comfortable settings with all the comforts of home. They are also paving the way for medical advancements because they can offer opportunities such as joint healthcare ventures and improvements in technology. This is due to the very profitable model, and the benefits do not end here. These are five things that physician owned hospitals can offer their patients: Read More 

About Allergic Rhinitis & Keeping Air Ducts Clean To Control Flare-Ups

Do you seem to sneeze a lot when you are at home? You may have a condition called allergic rhinitis, which can flare up when there are large amounts of dust circulating in your home from dirty air ducts. In this article, you will learn about allergic rhinitis and how you can keep the air ducts clean to limit the amount of dust mites in your home for fewer flare-ups. Read More 

How To Help Older Parents Navigate The Holiday Season

This holiday season is likely to bring with it a lot of activity for your family. Parties, decorating, family dinners, excursions . . . these are all things that your older relatives will probably look forward to but may need help with. To help your older parents navigate the holiday season, follow the tips below. 1. Balance tradition with practicality. Just because your family has always done things a certain way doesn't mean that you have to follow all of those traditions this year. Read More 

Are You A Runner? 3 Common Injuries To Avoid

Running as a hobby or sport is a great way to stay in shape and burn off any unwanted anxiety or stress. Whether you run on a treadmill or on the open road, you are susceptible to injury. If running is an important outlet for you, having an injury impede you ability to exercise each day can be quite discouraging. Below are 3 common injuries you can avoid by familiarizing yourself with their causes and symptoms. Read More